Council Launches Campaign 2004 Website to Examine Foreign Policy Issues in the Presidential Election

Council Launches Campaign 2004 Website to Examine Foreign Policy Issues in the Presidential Election

January 12, 2004 5:40 pm (EST)

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January 14, 2004 – The Council on Foreign Relations kicks off the election year with the launch of its Campaign 2004 website, The site’s goal is to inform journalists, students, and interested citizens about foreign policy in the U.S. presidential election.

“The Campaign 2004 website will be a one-stop shop of information about the top foreign policy issues and the parties’ and candidates’ positions,” said Council President Richard N. Haass.

The site will include:

  • Issue Briefs— 500-word summaries of the top foreign policy issues in the election written by Council experts;
  • Candidates’ Speeches and Statements— a comprehensive list of the candidates’ foreign policy speeches and statements;
  • Futures Calendar— a chronological list of significant events on the campaign trail, from the primaries through the conventions and the presidential debates;
  • C2004 at the Council— transcripts, webcasts, and videos of Council campaign-related events.

As the election year progresses, new features will be added, including “Candidates’ Scorecards,” short, objective overviews comparing and contrasting the candidates’ positions. Live, online forums with the candidates or their surrogates are also being planned. Michael Glennon, senior editor,, edits and manages the C2004 website and Jennifer Sieg, assistant director of the Outreach program, coordinates the initiative.

“In a time when the Internet is drastically changing the face of presidential campaigns, we think our site will be a vital tool in voters’ arsenals for educating themselves on the issues,” said Haass.

Designed by Tree Media, the Campaign 2004 website has already received high praise: ABC News’ political website “The Note” said the site “does for foreign policy and the presidential candidates what somebody smart somewhere should be doing for domestic stuff. You’ll be blown away by how deep and thorough it is.”

Campaign 2004 is part of a Council-wide initiative that leverages all Council resources to examine foreign policy in the presidential election. Senators Joe Lieberman and John Kerry, Representative Dick Gephardt, General Wesley Clark (Ret.), and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean have all made major foreign policy speeches at the Council. It will host foreign policy briefings for delegates to the party conventions next summer. Council fellows are also available for commentary and analysis.

Contact: Lisa Shields, Vice President, Communications, 212-434-9888 or [email protected].

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